Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mission Papers

Well, my papers are officailly in. If all goes smoothley, I can expect to recieve my call around friday. Leave a comment, where am I going?

Another Mega Update

It's been a while. Here's what I've been up to the past couple months.

Airboarding: Mid January a group of us signed up through the school
for airboarding. We drove to the border of Montana, put on out snow shoes, and climbed a mountain for an hour or so. Once we found a good location to make a jump, we inflated our airboards and cruised down the hill. We got some wicked air. It was crazy fun, and exausting. When we felt finished, we airboarded all the way down and had hot chocolate. This first vid is me getting some air, and the second is of the most impressive air that was recorded.

Prison Break Fort: At the hieght of our prison break addiction, the girls built a fort, useing blankets and furniture. It was tad cozy inside.

Winter Fest: On my birthday we went to winter fest. Two friends of mine did the polar bear swim. Jodi and Devyn.

This is that moment where he is thinking "oh crap, what have I done."

Rodeo: A couple of weeks ago a couple of us went to the school spirit rodeo. I got to see mike ride a stear for a couple of seconds. Crazy guy. I captuered this with his wide angle lens, coudn't get any closer.

Cassey and Taylor, FHE sisters.

Random: Most freshmen have a collection of pop bottles. I like dole.

Sunday dinners: I have sunnday dinners, play games, and watch movies with these guys. They are awesome. James, Michelle, Devyn, Blaine, Ali, Breanna, and Nathan.

Pranks: Devyn and Ben prank Aubrey. Aubrey and Ben prank Devyn.

And the chain goes on.